the armored bean, long and thin!
I introduce myself
Every realm needs its knight… and here I am: Bean Lancelot! A Parboiled Ribe rice that emerges victorious from any battle. In fact, with each cooking I always remain al dente and with my armor I protect all my properties, which thus remain intact! I am an ancient grain, born from the wisdom of other times, but which still manages to please the finest palates today.
choose me

Thanks to an ancient steam process I can keep my properties completely intact even after cooking. They are a rice particularly rich in fibre, mineral salts, vitamin B1 and antioxidants.
taste me

In 15-18 minutes I guarantee excellent cooking and I am always al dente: this is why they are good to be enjoyed especially in salads. Long, thin and calloused, I bring added value to your dish, enhancing all the other ingredients.
always al dente
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In the kingdom of King Chicco every inhabitant has a fundamental role to ensure that joy and harmony reign throughout the country. Chicco Ingegnere, Chicco Campione, Chicco Zen… pack after pack, discover them all and find the Chicco Ellebi closest to you!